Here you go kids...the final tree structure for the May 5, 1998 tree. If there are any questions, problemos or anything of the sort, please e-mail , or ICQ me.

Morgan Halton: [email protected] 
|---Rawle Anders: [email protected](CD>CD)
|  |
|  |---Ricky Sabella: [email protected](CD>A) 
|  |   |
|  |   |---Stof: [email protected] (A>A) 
|  |   |   |-Brian Fulton: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-Levi Thatcher: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-John Hill: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-Bart Smith: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-Doug Gilliland:[email protected]
|  |   |   \-Jesse Varner: [email protected]
|  |   |  
|  |   |---Jon Miller: [email protected] (A>A) 
|  |   |   |-Mark Phillips: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-Ronnie L. Church: [email protected]
|  |   |   |-Heide Agas: [email protected]
|  |   |   \-Jason Ward: [email protected]
|  |   |
|  |   \---Chad Bowen: [email protected] (A>A)
|  |       |-Andy Berkheimer: [email protected]
|  |       |-Paul Tran: [email protected]
|  |       \-Todd Randall: [email protected]
|  |  
|  |   
|  |---Greg Fox: [email protected] (CD>A)
|  |   |
|  |   |---Ruth Dejam: [email protected] (A>A) 
|  |   |   |---Danielle J: [email protected]
|  |   |   |---J. Ehart: [email protected]
|  |   |   \---Chris Sprague: [email protected]
|  |   |   
|  |   |---Ryan O'Connor: [email protected] (A>A)
|  |   |   |---Jason Halsey: [email protected]
|  |   |   |---Greg: [email protected]
|  |   |   \---Andre Bisqueraz: [email protected]
|  |   |
|  |   |
|  |   \---Jonathan Chaney: [email protected] (A>A)
|  |       |---Eric Stephens: [email protected]
|  |       |---Nicolas Gyma: [email protected]
|  |       \---Jeremy Horpedahl: [email protected]
|  |
|  |
|  \---Michael Schanbacher: [email protected] (CD>A)
|      |
|      |---Geoff Mealey: [email protected] (A>A)
|          |---heather lavan: [email protected] 
|          |---Jeremy Parker: [email protected]
|          \---Eric Weng: [email protected]
|---Ryan Gialames: [email protected] (CD>CD) 
|   |
|   |---Robby Kowalski: [email protected] (CD>A) 
|   |   |
|   |   |---Krista Scott: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |   |   |---Stephen Thomas: [email protected]
|   |   |   \---Shawn Hansen: [email protected]
|   |   |
|   |   |---Tim Zitkevitz: [email protected] (A>A) 
|   |   |   |---Michael Smith: [email protected]
|   |   |   |---Brad Hester: [email protected]
|   |   |   |---Dana Schainholtz: [email protected] 
|   |   |   |---Jimmy Barrera: [email protected]
|   |   |   \---Jeremy Schneider: [email protected]
|   |   |
|   |   |
|   |   \---John Valentine: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |       |---Joyce Lin: [email protected]
|   |       |---Rob Palumbos: [email protected]
|   |       \---Michael Marotta: [email protected]
|   |
|   |---Tim Forsythe: [email protected] (CD>A)
|   |   |
|   |   |---Matt Kulkin: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |   |   |---Chuck Benemerito: [email protected]
|   |   |   |---Jon DiMaina: [email protected]
|   |   |   \---Brian Jo: [email protected]
|   |   |
|   |   \---Melissa: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |       |---Tony Ankar: [email protected] 
|   |       |---Jeffrey Hyder: [email protected] 
|   |       \---kimmie: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |           |---Jennifer McCarron: [email protected]
|   |           |---John Kelly: [email protected]
|   |           |---Sean C. Flynn: [email protected]
|   |
|   |---Sunshine Cabrera: [email protected] (CD>A) 
|   |   |
|   |   |---Jon Washburn: [email protected]   
|   |   |---Chad Stains: [email protected] 
|   |   \-Dave Smith: [email protected] (A>A)
|   |     |---Chris Bradley: [email protected]
|   |     |---Andy Swinburnson: [email protected]
|   |     \---Cole Condra: [email protected]
|   |
|   |
|   \---Rahul Bhargava: [email protected] (CD>A)
|       |
|       |---Steve Schult: [email protected] 
|       |---mark phillips: [email protected] 
|       |---Mike Sidoti: [email protected] 
|       \---Matt Belmont: [email protected]
|---Adrian Smith: [email protected] (CD>CD) 
|   |
|   |---Emily Adams: [email protected] (CD>A) 
|   |   |
|   |   |---Mike Reaser: [email protected] 
|   |   \---George Eadon: [email protected]
|   |
|   |---Sean Hopkins: [email protected] 
|   \---Rich Marot: [email protected] 
\---Joshua Wilson: [email protected](CD>CD)
    |---Brent Hornberger: [email protected] 
    |---Scotty Crowe:[email protected]
    |---Jonathan Freeland: [email protected] 
    \---Mike Rezny: [email protected]