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Welcome to the Archives page. This page is just some of the individual and complete mp3 and mp3s shows that have been posted at one time or another. This serves as a "history" lesson for this site, where you can see what's been posted in the past. If you want something shown here, you can request it, but i might not necessarily have it.

Song Name File size (meg) Date song performed Date added Guest/News
#40 tease 887kb 12/11/98 01/20/99 Excellent
Pig 6.5 05/02/98 01/25/99 Good+
Say Goodbye w/John Popper 7.4 02/24/95 01/25/99 Excellent
Recently 6.4 04/05/92 01/24/99 Excellent+
Deed is Done 3.3 09/24/95 01/24/99 Excellent
Dancing Nancies 5.4 04/05/92 01/23/99 Excellent+
Imagine w/John Popper 3.0 1996 01/21/99 Good+
Watchtower w/John Popper and Trey Anastasio 9.6 02/24/95 01/21/99 Excellent
Lie in our graves w/Bela Fleck 10.5 06/18/97 01/21/99 Good+
#40 3.6 05/09/95 01/20/99 Good+
#40 4.0 05/10/95 01/20/99 Good+
Ants (D&T) 4.0 02/21/94 01/19/99 Excellent +
What will become of me 3.1 09/24/95 01/16/99 Good+
Song that Jane likes 3.7 03/10/94 01/16/99 Excellent
Get In Line 4.8 12/31/94 01/16/99 Excellent
Redemption song 2.1 04/03/91 01/16/99 Good
Proudest monkey 6.0 02/17/97 01/16/99 excellent-
Last stop 10.5 05/30/98 01/18/99 Good+
Stone 8.1 05/30/98 01/16/99 Good+
True Reflections 6.9 12/08/93 01/16/99 Excellent-
Say Goodbye 5.4 11/02/93 01/16/99 Excellent-
Baby Jam Too Much 5.0 11/09/96 01/16/99 Excellent
Rapunzel 7.4 07/25/98 01/06/99 Removed 01/16/99
Sweet home Alabama 1.2 I forget 01/06/99 Removed 01/16/99
#36 8.3 01/26/95 01/06/99 Removed 01/16/99
#41 5.8 08/20/95 01/05/99 Removed 01/16/99
#34 w/words 8.3 03/17/93 01/03/99 Removed 01/16/99
Doobie Thing Jam 6.5 11/02/93 01/02/99 Removed 01/16/99
Angel From Montgomery 4.4 12/09/92 01/02/99 Removed 01/16/99
Tangerine 2.0 07/21/92 01/02/99 Removed 01/16/99
Crush 11.0 05/20/98 12/31/98 removed 1/6/99
Ants (D&T) 4.0 02/21/94 12/31/98 Excellent +
Penis song 1.1 09/11/92 12/29/98 Good
Stay 6.1 05/20/98 12/31/98
Recently w/water-n-wine 5.5 01/26/95 12/29/98 removed1/3/98
Heathcliff Haikus Warriors 3.1 03/23/93 12/29/98 removed 1/3/98
Stairway to Heaven 3.1 10/05/94 12/29/98 Removed01/02/98
Crash 5.3 06/15/97 12/29/98 Excellent
Granny 4.2 12/08/93 12/29/98 Removed 01/01/99
Watchtower 6.0 03/17/93 12/29/98 Removed 12/31
Halloween 6.1 03/17/93 12/29/98 Removed 12/31
Typical Situation 8.8 02/24/95 12/29/98 Excellent-
Christmas song 5.5 12/08/93 12/24/98 removed12/29
Spotlite 4.2 09/11/92 12/24/98 removed12/29
Satellite 3.9 04/05/92 12/24/98 removed12/29
Ants Marching 8.1 12/08/93 12/24/98 removed12/29
#41 8.1 11/09/96 12/24/98 removed12/29
Hold me down 3.1 02/19/96 12/24/98 removed12/29
Jimi Thing -> What will become of me 8.5 09/24/95 12/22/98 removed12/29
The Maker 5.5 03/24/93 12/22/98 removed 12/26
Sweet home Alabama 1.2 I forget 12/21/98 removed 12/26
#40 tease 900kb 12/11/98 12/21/98 removed 12/26
Christmas song 4.7 05/27/93 12/21/98 removed 12/24
Pay for what you get 4.5 08/02/95 12/21/98 removed 12/24
Say Goodbye 5.5 11/02/93 12/18/98 removed 12/24
Drive in Drive out 6.0 05/30/98 12/17/98 removed 12/24
Lover lay down 5.6 04/05/92 12/16/98 removed 12/24
Watchtower 7.6 12/09/92 12/15/98 Removed 12/22
I'll Back You Up 4.8 02/11/96 12/14/98 Removed 12/22
#40 4.1 05/10/95 12/14/98 removed 12/21
Redemption Song 2.1 04/03/91 12/14/98 removed 12/21
#41 (D&T) 5.1 02/11/96 12/13/98 removed 12/21
Recently 4.7 04/03/91 12/12/98 Removed 12/18
Song That Jane Likes 2.9 04/05/92 12/12/98 Removed 12/18
Two Step 6.4 08/02/95 12/11/98 Removed 12/17
Say Goodbye 4.8 05/06/96 12/11/98 Removed 12/16
So much to say 4.1 04/05/92 12/10/98 Removed 12/15
Warehouse-Shortening Bread 7.8 12/29/92 12/08/98 Removed 12/14
Angel from Montgomery 3.8 02/17/96 12/07/98 removed 12/14
Stone 3.6 06/06/98 12/06/98 removed 12/14
Pig 6.5 05/02/98 12/05/98 Removed 12/13
True Reflections 6.2 04/05/92 12/04/98 Removed 12/12
Let you down 5.2 02/06/97 12/04/98 removed 12/11
Crash 5.3 06/23/97 12/03/98 Removed 12/10
Charmed Life 5.1 07/06/93 12/03/98 removed 12/08
Typical Situation 8.8 02/24/95 12/02/98 removed 12/06
Watchtower 9.5 02/24/95 12/01/98 Removed 12/05
Little Thing 6.1 02/11/96 11/30/98 removed 12/04
Cryptorchid 2.1 1997 11/27/98 removed 12/04
Ants Marching 6.4 11/09/96 11/25/98 Removed 12/03
Christmas Song 5.0 02/19/96 11/25/98 removed 12/03
The Maker 5.4 03/24/93 11/24/98 removed 12/2
Crazy 4.2 06/03/96 11/23/98 removed 11/30
Two step 11.1 02/03/93 11/23/98 removed 11/30/98
Seek up 12.0 11/14/94 11/20/98 removed 11/27/98
Granny 4.0 11/17/92 11/19/98 removed 11/25/98
So much to say 4.0 11/09/96 11/19/98 removed 11/25/98
Band Jam 6.0 12/08/93 11/19/98 removed 11/24/98
Lie in our Graves 10.0 06/18/97 11/18/98 w/Bela removed 11/23
Wild Horses 5.0 12/??/97 11/17/98 w/removed 11/23/98
Blue Water Baboon Farm 9.0 07/08/92 11/16/98 removed 11/20/98
Baby Jam-->Too much 5.1 11/09/96 11/14/98 removed 11/19/98
Satellite 4.4 12/09/92 11/14/98 removed 11/19/98
Lie in our graves 7.4 11/09/96 11/14/98 removed 11/19/98
Recently 8.4 08/02/95 11/14/98 removed 11/18/98
Granny 2.9 02/18/97 11/12/98 removed 11/17/98
Best Of Whats Around 6.1 02/24/95 11/12/98 removed 11/16/98
Crush 9.8 07/22/98 11/11/98 Removed 11/14/98
Dancing Nancies 10.1 12/08/93 11/10/98 removed 11/14/98
Exodus 12.4 08/02/95 11/09/98 Removed 11/14/98
What would you say 4.2 02/19/96 11/08/98 removed 11/12/98
2001 into Ants 7.2 03/17/93 11/08/98 removed 11/12/98
Leave me Praying 6.2 06/22/97 11/07/98 Removed 11/11/98
Warehouse 7.2 08/02/95 11/07/98 removed 11/10/98
Granny 4.2 12/08/93 11/02/98 removed 11/9/98
Tripping billies 6.2 08/02/95 11/02/98 removed 11/9/98
Two Step 6.2 08/02/95 11/01/98 removed 11/8/98
One Sweet World 5.2 12/09/92 11/01/98 removed 11/8/98
Halloween 6.1 03/17/93 10/31/98 removed 11/07/98
Minarets 6.3 12/09/92 10/31/98 removed 11/07/98
What would you say 3.6 10/01/95 10/31/98 removed 11/02/98
50 ways to leave your lover 5.5 06/03/96 10/26/98 removed 11/02/98
Mystery song 1.3 removed 11/02/98
Little thing 01/30/97 removed 11/01/98
Say Goodbye 09/24/95 removed 11/01/98
warehouse 01/29/94 removed 11/01/98
Typical situation 03/23/93 removed 11/01/98
Lover lay down 5.9 08/04/92 10/15/98 removed 10/20/98
#36 8.5 12/31/94 10/13/98 removed 10/20/98
True reflections 6.5 03/17/93 10/05/98 removed 10/20/98
Spotlite 5.3 12/09/92 10/04/98 removed 10/19/98
#40 3.9 05/10/95 10/03/98 removed 10/17/98
Help Myself 4.5 11/09/96 10/03/98 removed 10/15/98
So much to say 4.4 12/09/92 10/03/98 removed 10/15/98
Lie in our graves 6.3 03/17/93 10/03/98 removed
#41 7.9 11/09/96 10/01/98 removed
Blue water baboon farm 8.9 08/04/92 09/27/98 Removed 10/3/98
Granny 2.9 02/02/97 09/27/98 Removed 10/3/98
Halloween 5.6 09/28/94 09/27/98 Removed 10/3/98
One sweet world 3.7 01/29/94 09/27/98 Removed 10/3/98
Song that Jane likes 5.1 12/08/93 09/27/98 Removed 10/3/98
#34 with words 8.1 03/17/93 09/12/98 Reworked significantly
Watchtower 6.0 03/17/93 09/12/98
Stay 6.1 05/30/98 09/12/98
Doobie thing Jam 6.4 11/02/93 09/07/98 A+ Quality
Satellite 4.8 11/09/96 09/06/98
Tripping Billies 5.5 05/30/98 09/06/98
Beauty of Wynona 4.8 05/15/98 09/06/98
#41 7.9 07/22/98 09/06/98
Twostep 5.0 09/24/95 09/06/98 Dave/Tim
Halloween 7.1 05/15/98 09/06/98
What would you say 4.1 05/06/96 09/06/98
Christmas song 5.3 12/08/93 09/06/98
Me&Julio... 4.5 11/17/92 09/06/98 Reworked/repost
Recently w/water-n-wine 5.5 01/26/95 09/01/98 Removed 09/06/98
I'll back you up 4.4 12/08/93 09/01/98 Removed 09/06/98
Proudest Monkey 4.2 01/22/97 09/01/98 Dave&Tim
True reflections 6.7 12/08/93 09/01/98 Removed 09/06/98

Copyright @ 1999 Moosey's DMB Palace

Webmaster of the
DMB Palace, Falco98